Proudly Serving Western NY for Over 115 Years

Over the past century, the professionals at Schofield Care have remained committed to providing the highest level of compassionate care service in our rehab and nursing facility. From hospice and home health care, to rehab, wellness events and adult day health care, you can have complete confidence in our dedication to those we serve.

Connecting the Dots

Schofield Executive Director of Rehabilitation and Home Care Services Caroline Hourihan joins Matt Reiners of the "Connecting the Dots" podcast.

A New Approach

Check out Schofield Care's feature on Daytime Buffalo where we discuss our Adult Day Health Care program and more.

Need assistance urgently?

Click here for information on how we can help.

Join the team

Interested in applying for a position on the Schofield team? To learn more about job openings, benefits, trainings and scholarships, visit our Careers page.

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